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Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter!

Arşivler (page 8 of 40)

An excellent story!

When life become unbearable to you when 24 hour isn’t enough to handle work that time remember jar and two cups of coffee story.

One day, a philosophy professor came to class with some tools: He puts an empty jar on desk before had started teaching. Then he filled jar with tennis balls to capacity ‘’Did jar fill?’’ He asked from his student. ‘’Yes, filled.’’ All students answered. Then professor picked up screes from a little box and poured inside jar. Screes poured and taking place between empty spaces of tennis balls. ‘’Did jar fill?’’ He asked from his student again. ‘’Yes, filled.’’ All students answered again. This time professor picked up a box on desk contain of sand and poured inside jar. Of course this time sands poured and taking place between empty spaces of screes. Professor asked from his student same question again and ‘’Yes, filled.’’ students answered again. This time Professor picked up two cups of ready coffee on desk and pure inside jar slowly. And this time coffee take place between empty spaces of sands again. Students laughed. This jar is your life professor turned to them and said that. Tennis balls is your important in your life, for example your families, your children, your healthy and your friends… If you lose other things, this things is enough for continuing life. Screes is important things too but with a lower grade; like your job, your home and your relatives… Sands is other things with low grade too. Maybe there was no vacant place for screes and especially for tennis balls if you filled jar with sands in start. Same thing true to our life. If you spend your time and your energy for worthless things; this time, don’t remain enough time for important things. Focus more on things that make you happy. Play with your children, take care of your health. Go to the restaurant with those you love, provide your home needful. First of all poured tennis balls inside jar. Make a correct priority. The rest is always sand…

‘’Professor, what’s the role of two cups of coffee here?’’ Asked a student with curiously ‘’I was waiting for this question!’’ professor laughing and said.

If you had a busy life, always take time for drink a cup of coffee with friends and those you love.

Stay away from negative people!

I have learned that if a person criticizes, judges, and underestimates others that if because of fears of failures and shames of his/her own.

Isn’t it time to stop worrying about what are saying or thinking about you? You are concerned about everyone, what they may think about you but for sure no one else is thinking about you as much as you are.

This concern is nothing but you. People do not care about you too much, they probably will not remember you later. If you do not mean anything for others, then why do you care about their thoughts about you.

Why do you take in shape according to their thoughts, criticisms, judgments. Why do you shape the one inside of you according to someone outside. Be yourself. Listen to the whisper of your heart, not the noise of others.

Don’t lose your hope!

Whatever happens in your life, don’t lose your hope.

When all doors remain closed, God will open up a secret narrow path only for you that no one knows about.

Some times closing a door will be resulted in opening the other goodness doors.

Be thankful! It is easy to be thankful when you have received what you desire. A Sufi is thankful even when he’s not been given.

Be patient! Patience does not mean to passively endure and stay waiting It means to see the future and be still hopeful. What does patience mean? It means to look at the thorn and see the rose, to look at the night and see the dawn.

We are each an unfinished work of art. Everything that happens all the obstacles we overcome, are designed for our completion.


Hi, this is Hakan Mengüç.

I’ve learnt, there may not be a tomorrow for the things that we don’t dare to do today or we postpone them for later. Don’t say : ‘’let’s do it tomorrow!’’ Yo may not be living tomorrow.

It’s never late for anything. Life’s too short to be postponed. Say : ‘’I love you’’ to the one you love just today. Do the things you want just today.

Experiencing small things is better than experiencing nothing. I do repeat : ‘’It’s never late for anything.’’ Yes, maybe the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, but the best second change is today!

Please don’t postpone life! Because you may delay but time and life will not!

Be patience!

At the very moment, you want to give up on everything, remember what you fighting, and wait!

Challenges give extraordinary power to ordinary people what makes you tired is not the hill you try to clime, it is the pebble in your shoes…

Be Patience! Never give up! Sometimes, in order for everything to come together, things need to fall apart first.

Be patient! Your body will over come and trouble, if you know how to convince your mind. Trough darkness comes light remember the sun who rises every morning!

Be Patient… Being patience means moving forward even if your wings are broken. It is not submission, it is fighting.

The best days are yet to come!

Life doesn’t seem fair, but it’s still beautiful

Life doesn’t seem fair, but it’s still beautiful. Life is too short to be wasted on hating anyone.

Don’t say; I don’t see miracles. Get outside, miracles are everywhere.

You don’t have to win in every debates. Don’t explore your life too much. Start to move forward, do what you must.

Reconcile your past to not ruin your future. Don’t care if no one sees you crying. Don’t compare your life with others, since you have no idea how they’ve got here.

Don’t forget. What doesn’t kill you, make you stronger. The best events are the ones which have not happened yet. Don’t lose your hope…

A woman is most beautiful when she is happy

Hi, this is Hakan Mengüç.

A woman is most beautiful when she is happy. The happier she is, the more beautiful she becomes. When she is happier she loves truly. If she loves truly you become happy, too. Do not upset a woman.

If you don’t know your values you have to live with a life of what if’s. You want to be happy? If yo want to be happy, never worry about people who talk behind your back. Don’t suppose that everyone keep their promises. Don’t think that anyone you meet is just like you. Do not care for others more than they deserve. Choose the one who makes you feel at peace but not unhappy.

For the people that envy you, just smile and let them all go. Remember, take who upsets you out of your life so that you can find a place for your loved ones.

Hakan Mengüç Güney Danimarka Üniversitesinde seminer verdi

Hakan Mengüç Güney Danimarka Üniversitesinde (University of Southern Denmark) sufizm üzerine seminer verdi ve ardından ney dinletisi gerçekleştirdi.

Hakan Mengüç Danimarka’nın Odensee şehrindeki Güney Danimarka Üniversitesi’nde Mevlana, Şems-i Tebriz, Yunus Emre ve Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli gibi sufilerin hayata bakışlarını ve günlük hayata yönelik tavsiyelerini anlattı.

Danimarka’daki söyleşinin ardından Hakan Mengüç ney dinletisi gerçekleştirdi ve sufi müzik, türk halk müziğinden örnekler sundu.

Hakan Mengüç Odensee University of Southern Denmark’taki konferansının ardından kitaplarını imzaladı.

Hakan Mengüç Amsterdam Vrije Üniversitesinde seminer ve konser verdi

Hakan Mengüç Amsterdam Vrjie Üniversitesinde sufi felsefesi üzerine seminer gerçekleştirdi.

Seminer sırasında Hakan Mengüç aynı zamanda ney üfledi ve ekibi ile birlikte tasavvuf musikisinden eserler sergiledi.

Amsterdam Vrije Üniversitesinde gerçekleşen sufi seminere katılım yoğundu.

Program sonrası bir hayranı Hakan Mengüç’ün kara kalemle çizdiği portresini kendisine hediye etti.

Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter

Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter

Yeni kitabımız “Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter” 17 Aralık tarihi itibariyle yayında. Kitabı satın almak için bu bağlantıya tıklayın.

Hiçbir karşılaşma tesadüf değildir. Şu anda bu satırları okumanın tesadüf olmadığı gibi, benim Afrika’nın ücra bir köşesinde bir sufiyle karşılaşmam ve ondan öğrendiklerimi bu kitapta anlatmamın tesadüf olmadığı gibi.

“Dert insana daima yol gösterir.” der Mevlana. Önemli olan yolu yürümekten vazgeçmemek. Yolda olan için “umut var” demektir. Kader her an yeniden yazılır çünkü.

Kiminle ne zaman karşılaşacağını, neyi ne zaman bulacağını bilemezsin. Bazen istediğin şeyi aramakla bulamazsın ama bulanlar arayanlar olmuştur. Ve arayanlar hep bulmuştur der Sufiler. Mevlana’nın dediği gibi “sen yola çık yol sana görünür.”

Yoluma ortaklık eden hocalarımın ilhamıyla karşına çıktığım bu kitapta sıkıntılarından kurtulman, ilişki problemlerini çözmen ve hayata daha olumlu bakman için sufilerin pratik önerilerini sunuyorum. Bu öğretiler bugüne kadar onbinlerce insana yardımcı oldu, sana da olacağına inanıyorum.

Şunu sakın unutma yol arkadaşım, kaç yaşında olursan ol, başından ne geçmiş olursa olsun; Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter.

İyi beni bulur.


Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter. & Hakan Mengüç Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter. & Hakan Mengüç Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter. & Hakan Mengüç Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter. & Hakan Mengüç Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter. & Hakan Mengüç Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter. & Hakan Mengüç Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter. & Hakan Mengüç Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter. & Hakan Mengüç Kalbin temizse hikayen mutlu biter. & Hakan Mengüç

KKTC Cumhurbaşkanı ile görüşme / Sufi Akademi

Cumhurbaşkanı Mustafa Akıncı, nezaket ziyaretinde bulunan GAÜ Kurucu Rektörü Serhat Akpınar ve GAÜ Sufi Akademisi Başkanı Hakan Mengüç’ü kabul ederek görüştü.

GAÜ Sufi Akademisi Başkanı Hakan Mengüç, kısa bir ney dinletisi sunarak, imzalı bir kitabını Cumhurbaşkanı Akıncı’ya takdim etti.

Cumhurbaşkanı Mustafa Akıncı, 14 Aralık Cuma akşamı düzenlenecek olan Mevlana’yı Anma Gecesinin Cumhurbaşkanlığı bünyesinde yapılmasına onay verdi. Kendisinin de katılacağı gecede Hakan Mengüç’ün sunumu ile Sema ritüeli ve Sufi Akademi Müzik Grubu yer alacak.
